hypnosis for anxiety support + Stress Relief

Our bodies are always working for us—even though it doesn’t always feel that way. The anxious symptoms many of us experience are part of a powerful system inside of us that is designed to warn us of danger and enable us to protect ourselves. Unfortunately, our unconscious minds aren't always so good at understanding the difference between an approaching saber-toothed tiger and the every-day stress of our modern lives, or between the conditions of a past trauma and a triggering circumstance today. 

Hypnosis is a way to create a safe, natural bridge between the body and mind. My approach is designed to integrate with, rather than replace, mental health care or medical support on your way to feeling better.

Hypnosis can allow us to teach our bodies to respond to stressors in a more gentle, calm and focused way. With a combination of deep trance work and empowering self-hypnosis tools, you can learn to take control of anxious thoughts, find your breath, and let your body help you feel your best. 

“I have had anxiety since I was a child and finally turned into panic attacks over the years.  Generalized anxiety kept me homebound some days.  I could not drive or go into a store. I had tried hypnosis before but NOT with DEVON.  She explained the subconscious, the vagus nerve and how small incidents snowball into larger issues over time. There was no deep dark secret to be afraid of.  I didn’t have to get back to the first time I was anxious but just needed to retrain myself.   After 3 short and thoroughly enjoyable sessions... I was driving again and able to get my own groceries.” —K, anxiety client