hypnosis for peak performance

If I had a nickel for every time my young-dancer-self froze on stage, I’d have…a lot of nickels. And cheesy as it sounds, harnessing the power of my unconscious mind not only helped me overcome that performance anxiety, it’s made tapping into a feeling of confidence I can access anywhere one of my personal superpowers. I’d love to teach you how to make it one of yours.

My approach to performance coaching and hypnosis is dynamic and tailored to you. We'll combine deep trance in our sessions with waking practice and powerful self-hypnosis tools. You'll have an opportunity to play with what works for you, and discover what your special formula for success will be.

We already know the power of our minds to teach our bodies. Hypnosis is a powerful, safe, and natural way to set yourself up for success.  You'll learn powerful tools to use whenever you need them: at home, while practicing, and even right in the moment of performance.

“I went from dreading every presentation, meeting, and lunch, to thriving in all of these environments. Thanks to her expertise and the recording tapes she provides, I now find myself not just calm, but incredibly relaxed in those situations that used to overwhelm me.” —CJ, peak performance client